Original scientific publications Recommendations for Forensic non-human DNA Analyses ISFG: recommendations regarding the use of non-human (animal) DNA in forensic genetic investigations [2011]
Linacre,A.; Gusmao,L.; Hecht,W.; Hellmann,A.P.; Mayr,W.R.; Parson,W.; Prinz,M.; Schneider,P.M.; Morling,N.
Recommendations for animal DNA forensic and identity testing [2005]
Budowle,B.; Garofano,P.; Hellman,A.; Ketchum,M.; Kanthaswamy,S.; Parson,W.; van Haeringen,W.; Fain,S.; Broad,T.
Forensic Canine DNA Analyses The LASSIE MPS Panel: Predicting externally visible traits in dogs for forensic purposes [2023]
Heinrich,J.; Berger,C.
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Oak STRs
Schleenbecker, U. et al. 2020
40. Spurenworkshop, München, Eichen sollst Du weichen, Buchen sollst du suchen? - Molekulargenetische Analyse von Pflanzenmaterial in der forensischen Fallbearbeitung.
CaDNAP Meetings
The group has organized meetings to harmonize scientific work and developments in the canine forensic genetic field:
First ISFG CaDNAP workshop at the 28th International Congress: Prague, Czech Republic 09.09.-13.09.2019
First ISFG CaDNAP working group meeting at the 30th International Congress: Santiago de Compostela, Spain 09.09.-13.09.2024
The second ISFG CaDNAP working group meeting will take place in Wiesbaden, Germany, 24.06.2025-25.06.2025
More details for the meeting will be announced by the beginning of January 2025
Molecular markers
Canine mitochondrial DNA
Molecular characterization of the canine mitochondrial DNA control region for forensic applications The canine mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of 133 dogs living in the area around Innsbruck, Austria was sequenced. A total of 40 polymorphic sites were observed in the first hypervariable segment and 15 in the second, which resulted in the differentiation of 40 distinct haplotypes. We observed five nucleotide positions that were highly polymorphic within different haplogroups, and they represent good candidates for mtDNA screening.
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